The teeth of the SUPERTEE King have been individually designed to touch the ball ensuring it effortlessly slides off the tee with minimum friction. The length of the chalice exposes the sweet spot of the ball to improve accuracy.

Ideal for kickers targeting distance and wanting to get under the ball for more height. Ground teeth anchor the tee providing greater stability and improved accuracy.
Grounded Teeth on the base will need to be wiggled a little into the grass/ground for a firm and stable base.
Twin tapered teeth have been shaped/rounded to assist with the release of the ball off the Tee. King is used by many in the restart of play (kickoffs) in the game of Rugby League as the players sometimes experiment with traditional setups or turning the ball backward/side on looking for a point of difference with the kick.

Just like every other Supertee, the SUPERTEE Carter was designed by the Rugby legend - Daryl Halligan. Each Supertee has been used and tested by professional league players such as Daryl Halligan, Dan Carter, and many more to make it what it is today.